Background Checks Integrated with VSys One


VSys One offers configurable volunteer management software for online applications, onboarding, scheduling, communication tools, and reporting. The system is secure, HIPPA compliant, and allows clients to configure the software to meet their specific needs with amazing customer support.

VSys One has over 20 years of experience deploying Volunteer Management solutions for organizations of all sizes, types and budgets. Designed for all types of volunteer organizations including healthcare, museums, municipalities, zoos, not-for-profits, performing arts centers, wildlife preserves, and corporations. You can configure your own applications, onboarding steps, approval processes, & reports using this user-friendly software. The system includes reference checking, automated communications & notifications, and a custom report generator (in case the 200+ reports are enough!).

Ready to get started?

Universal Background Screening’s comprehensive suite of criminal background checks, verifications, drug tests, physicals and related services are available now to VSys One customers.

If you are interested, we invite you to fill out the online agreement:

We look forward to providing you with excellent service!