Welcome Specialty Insurance Partners!


Universal Background Screening provides employment background checks and drug testing to thousands of companies nationwide. As the preferred employment background screening and drug testing company chosen by Specialty Insurance Partners, we offer comprehensive services and special rates exclusively for Specialty Insurance Partners.

If you are interested, we invite you to fill out the online agreement:
Or contact Jill Halbreich:

We look forward to providing you with excellent service!

Universal will help improve efficiencies in your background screening process through:

  • Industry Leading Turnaround Time: Universal’s focus on providing fast, accurate service means that we can deliver results more quickly and decrease your time to hire. Universal has been recognized for the past ten years by the editors of Workforce Management Magazine and HRO Today Magazine as one of the top screening firms in the nation.
  • Discounted Rates: Universal has provided significant volume discounts for Specialty Insurance Partners, and our standard new account setup fee has been waived. Additionally, there are no monthly or annual account fees for our services - we simply invoice you for the services your order each month.
  • Appointed Sales Representatives: Universal has assigned a specific sales representative that will work with Specialty Insurance Partners to set up your account.
  • Exceptional Customer Service: Our clients rave about our customer service! To give you the same experience, a member of our award-winning Client Services Team will be assigned to your account.