Universal Background Screening Named #1 Background Screening Provider by HRO Today Magazine.
In the largest pre-employment background screening study in the Human Resource Trade Media, called the HRO Today Bakers Dozen Customer Satisfaction Survey, Universal Background Screening was named as the #1 Overall Background Screening Provider.
Each year, HRO Today Magazine invites thousands of Employers to participate in the independent study, which is focused on three specific areas: breadth of service, size of deal and quality of service. Those Employers, who are verified corporate users of background screening services, responded to a 30 question survey based on their experience with Screening Providers.
“HRO Today has screened the screeners, to find out which are the best,” said Elliot Clark, CEO of HRO Today Magazine, during the announcement of the 2016 Baker’s Dozen for Screening. I want to congratulate Universal Background Screening on an excellent survey year, and on taking top honors.”
The announcement marks the 7th consecutive year Universal Background Screening has been recognized by the HRO Today survey, and the second time that the company has been named the #1 overall Background Screening Provider.

“It is truly an honor to be recognized, especially when that recognition comes from a publication with the respect and reach of HRO Today Magazine. Receiving the #1 overall ranking and achieving a #1 ranking for quality of service is gratifying on many levels”, said Kevin Olson, Chairman and CEO of Universal Background Screening. Olson continued; “Universal has a long standing cultural commitment to Compliance, Report Accuracy and protection of Applicant Rights. We also take seriously and work hard toward our commitment to provide our Clients with the very best in personalized Customer Service.”
Universal is a founding member of the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS®) and was among the first handful of Screening Providers to be accredited by the Association’s rigorous onsite audit of policies and procedures across six critical areas: Consumer protection, legal compliance, Client education, product standards, service standards, and general business practices.